Education, Mental Health, Drug Safety, and Employment

DIRECTOR: George Lazarou


Education, Mental Health, Drug Safety, and Employment (EMD) make up EMD. EMD focuses on educating those in shelters about the benefits and risks of drug consumption and usage, signs of weak mental health, and a curated course of action for each person. For interested individuals, employment opportunities will be presented. This sector relies heavily on the cooperation of homeless individuals within homeless shelters, as HSM channels through partner shelters in order to reach individuals in need. As of recently, the HomeSafe Mission board has unanimously agreed to make a change to this sector, adding "Education" to the name. Now, this sector is not exclusive to homeless individuals, as the education portion still involves the education of both homeless individuals, and also education to younger audiences concerning enrichment, school, or even counseling. HomeSafe Mission plans to reach younger audiences (<12) in North Jersey to be involved in enrichment activities that are hands-on and either have to do with their specific interests (coding, financial literacy, gardening, music, robotics, etc.), or the use of art/handicraft therapy. For audiences older than this, HomeSafe Mission is equipped with the brightest students, as well as a network to the brightest students, in Bergen County to assist with subject-related concerns such as Algebra, Calculus, History, Business, Computer Science, Chemistry, and much more. These students' institutions may be found under the student representation tab of HomeSafe Mission's website. All high schools we partner with are ranked the highest in New Jersey and among the top in the United States of America.